TallyKit Testimonial Component

TallyKit is one of our best WordPress plugin ever. It comes with many features and functionality. Testimonial is one of the components of the Tallykit Plugin.

Follow the steps below to create Testimonial items.

All of your Testimonial items are made in the Testimonial section of your WordPress admin. Click on Testimonials to open the section.



At the top of the page, click on Add New to make a new Testimonial post item.


Add a title and add your content in the editing field.


On the right-hand side of the post page is the Categories box. These Categories are the filters that will sit above your Testimonial items and allow you to filter the different types of  Testimonial. To make a new Category, click + Add New Category and add a name. You can add as many as you want. To apply a category to a post, simply check the box next to the name.


Below the post content, editing field is your Testimonial Settings. Position Title and Website Link.


Set a Featured Image. This should be the customer/author image…


Once you have everything you want to be selected, click Publish and your post will show up on your Testimonial listing page.


Testimonial Shortcodes

We have added a Shortcode Editor with the plugin. So you don’t need to remember the shortcode of  Testimonial. Please see the image below


After clicking the icon you will see a popup like an image below.


Grid Shortcode

category: Testimonial Category slug to display Testimonial item from a category.
tags: Testimonial tag slug to display Testimonial item from a tag.
limit: How many post items do you want to display?
columns : [2 / 3 / 4 ] default is 2. Grid column.
ids: Testimonial post IDs to display selected items.
filter : [yes / no] default is yes. Enable the filter or not.margin : [1 / 2 / 3 ] default is 3. The margin between columns.

Slideshow Shortcode

category: Testimonial Category slug to display Testimonial item from a category.
tags: Testimonial tag slug to display Testimonial item from a tag.
limit: How many post items do you want to display?
ids: Testimonial post IDs to display selected items.
filter : [yes / no] default is yes. Enable the filter or not.

Carousel Shortcode

ids: Testimonial post IDs to display selected items.
cat: Testimonial Category slug to display Testimonial item from a category.
item_margin : default is 10
min_items: default is 2
max_items: default is 4



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