Page Settings of our WordPress Theme

We have added advance page/post settings to change the look of it. You can find the meta box below the Text Editor.

Enable TopBar Area: You can select yes/no to enable or disable the top bar of the page or leave it blank to use the global setting from the theme option.

Enable Header: You can select yes/no to enable or disable the Header of the page or leave it blank to use the global setting from the theme option.

Enable SubHeader: You can select yes/no to enable or disable the SubHeader of the page or leave it blank to use the global setting from the theme option.

Sidebar Layout: There is 6 type of sidebar layout for a page. You can select anyone or leave it blank to use the global setting from the theme option.

Enable Comment Area: You can select yes/no to enable or disable the comments area below the page content or leave it blank to use the global setting from the theme option.

Footer Widget Layout: You can ON/OFF to enable or disable the Footer Widgets of the page or leave it blank to use the global setting from the theme option.

Footer: You can select yes/no to enable or disable the Footer of the page or leave it blank to use the global setting from the theme option.


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